Your website is the backbone of your company since so many customers are spending time online. There’s truly no way around not having an engaging site if you want to attract more customers to your business and increase your sales numbers.
Here are a few tips and tricks for how you can instantly improve your website today. No longer do you have to sit around guessing or hoping that what you’re doing is making a difference. Spend time analyzing your current website, what you feel is and isn’t working, and weaving in the following suggestions as you go.
Do Your Homework
Get online and start looking at what other companies and your competitors are doing. Make notes about what you do and don’t like about the websites and what you would change or alter if you were in their shoes. Come up with a pros and cons list similar to how you would compare ETrade vs TD Ameritrade and start to see where the gaps exist on your site and with your business. Spend time researching these details and then head back to the drawing board on your end.
Add Additional Graphics
Visitors to your site don’t simply want to be bombarded with huge chunks of text on a page. They appreciate seeing visuals and graphics that add energy and excitement to your webpage. Be sure you’re always supporting any groups of text you add with a few high-quality graphics that mesh well with your verbiage. Instantly improve your website when you include multiple images on each page, which work to break up blocks of paragraphs.
Improve the User-Experience
To truly understand the user experience on your site, explore it from a user perspective and try to navigate the pages and fill out any forms on your own. See what roadblocks you encounter and where you feel the hang-ups are happening and why visitors may be getting stumped or confused. It’s also a good idea to run this experiment with people outside of your company and ask for their feedback after exploring your site further. Keep in mind that frustrated users will likely quickly click off your website and won’t have a desire to return anytime soon.
Include Calls to Action
Be specific about what you want your audience to do when they land on your website. Clearly communicate what steps or actions they should take and how to submit their contact information if they’re interested in learning more about your business. Include the right colors and text and make sure all that’s on your site is organized and doesn’t create a misunderstanding with your users. Your goal is to have your company website flow seamlessly and inspire visitors to want to continue engaging.
Use these tips for how you can instantly improve your company website with the hopes of boosting your sales and conversions. Enjoy the challenge and the rewarding outcomes you’ll experience once all is said and done. It should be an ongoing project that always has your attention as you continue to grow your business.