Your brand is so much more than just a logo or a slogan - it’s a promise and an expectation living inside the mind of your customer. Everything you do should be a reflection of the feelings you wish to generate when people experience your brand. If your business isn’t connecting with customers on a deep, emotional level, it may be time to consider a rebrand.
Here are three good reasons to rebrand your business:
You’ve outgrown your brand.
Your brand should convey who you are today. As your business inevitably changes over time, your branding should reflect that growth. If it hasn’t been updated - and no longer represents everything your business stands for - it’s due for a refresh.
Your brand is confusing customers.
If you discover that your name, logo, or website are similar to a competitor’s, your branding may not be distinctive enough. This dilutes the value of your brand, causing your business to be perceived as an inferior clone. Create a brand that showcases your own unique identity, to remind your customers that you’re delivering an experience they can’t find anywhere else.
You’re losing market share.
If you find that your company has an ongoing pattern of sagging sales, it may be time for a rebrand. Strengthen the devotion of your current customers - and spark the interest of new prospects - by bringing your brand back to life with an exciting new purpose and updated style.
Southwest Airlines - with its funny and relaxed flight attendants - is one of the most admired transportation companies in America. Even so, the company felt that their branding just wasn’t distinctive enough, and decided that it was due for a refresh. With their recent rebrand, Southwest is focusing on their love of people, by putting their heart front and center. Since no other airline uses hearts in their logos, adopting a heart as their identifying icon really differentiates the brand. The company has revamped everything - their logo, website, plane paint scheme, print materials, and more. Everything looks sharp, clean, and colorful. Southwest’s heart icon is destined to become one of the most recognized airline symbols of the next decade.
Consistency is key to your branding efforts. An inconsistent message causes you to appear confused and disorganized. Branding consistent with your values should be integrated into every area of your business - your website, emails, business cards, social media, signage, and more. When your brand reflects the core of who you are - your purpose and your heart - you’ll find yourself connecting with customers in ways you’ve never imagined.